EZChildTrack software allows hassle-free input of registration data online using secure electronic registration forms. The inclusion of registration forms enables parents to open new accounts via the Parent Portal.
A Walk-Through of EZChildTrack's Online Registration Tool
Tips for Keeping Your Childcare Center Organized
Keeping things in their proper order when there are children around can seem like an impossible task. In the morning, everything is nice and neat. At pick-up time, the place looks like the toddler room in Toy Story 3. (Cue the discordant music.)
Benefits of EZChildTrack ChildCare Management Software's Calendar-Based Enrollment
EZChildTrack offers calendar-based enrollment, where parents can enroll their child in your program or into a special activity online. Calendar-based enrollment allows parents to enroll through the Parent Portal. Automating the process means you can accept anyone into any class or program at any time with seamless, automated billing.
EZChildTrack Success Stories:Our Customers are our Biggest Advocates
Over 4,000 schools and programs across the United States use EZChildTrack childcare management software for their afters school care, preschool, daycare and summer camp. EZChildTrack provides numerous benefits from online calendar-based enrollment and bill payment to attendance tracking, invoicing, and multiple methods of keeping in touch with parents.
Make Tax Reporting Easier with Childcare Management Software from EZChildTrack
"Tax season is my favorite time of year," said nobody ever. However, 2019 is here, and it's time to start thinking about filing your annual business tax return.
A Walk-Through of EZChildTrack's Reporting Tool
Reports are essential for running a successful business and remaining compliant with state and federal regulations. You cannot consider anecdotal evidence when making business decisions and when government agencies demand documentation.
How EZChildTrack Helped Brevard Public Schools Streamline Operations
Brevard County Public Schools in Florida faced the challenge of providing childcare before and after school for 55 elementary schools, operating summer camps for eight schools, and administering 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) programs for twelve different locations.
The Advantages of EZChildTrack's Meal Tracking
According to Nader, et al. in Pediatrics magazine, the preschool years are critical for obesity prevention. Dietary preferences are established at this age, and many children spend several hours in childcare each week.
EZChildTrack’s online billing feature streamlines your billing and invoicing activities through automation and electronic communication. Performing all the necessary accounting and financial functions for accounts receivable using a manual process takes hours every week that you could be spending on curriculum planning and business growth.
Celebrating Multicultural Holidays in Childcare
Teaching children about the world around them is one of the primary goals of early childhood learning. An excellent way to do so is to provide lessons around the wide variety of winter holidays, many of which celebrate light in one form or another, from the lengthening daylight to the birth or accomplishment of a deity.