The musical South Pacific contains a song entitled, “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught.” It lyrically represents the concept that nobody is born feeling one way or the other about those who are different; children must be “carefully taught” the attitudes of their society.
Health and Safety Training Requirements for Childcare Providers
Illness, injury, or death of a child is something no parent or caregiver wants to consider, but as a childcare provider, you and your staff must be ready for any eventuality. So many things can happen with small children from minor scrapes to choking.
One of the biggest misconceptions about online software is about security. A myth has been perpetuated that cloud-based software is not secure. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Efficient daily operations at your daycare reduce the amount of time you spend on administrative tasks, allowing you and your staff more time to work with the children and plan for future business growth. Every minute shaved off the check-in process or creating a staff schedule is a minute you can spend on your next marketing plan or open house.
How to Make Childcare Attendance Tracking More Efficient
Days at any childcare facility are bracketed by the mayhem of parents rushing to drop off or pick up their children as quickly as possible. Any staff member may be called upon to mediate between two parents who need the same roster sheet. The children must be watched to ensure nobody goes missing in the melee.
Overcoming the Challenges of Implementing Childcare Management Software
Childcare management software provides a multitude of benefits and returns your investment quickly. You have probably spoken with your peers about their experiences and seen numerous articles about childcare software selection and implementation. But you are still hesitant to invest in a solution for your daycare, preschool, or after school program.
How to Find the Best Online After School Software
After school programs are an essential element in childcare. They take over once a child reaches elementary school and can provide critical services and enrichment programs through high school.
A Back-to-School Checklist for Your Childcare or Daycare Center
It seems like back-to-school arrives quicker every year. As soon as Independence Day is over, out come the school supplies and ads for new clothing. However, it isn’t just parents who need to prepare.
Data from a Reader’s Survey from showed that technology use continues to increase among childcare providers and business. Childcare providers use technology for accounting, information storage and management, security, business analytics and regulatory compliance.
Tips for an Effective and Successful Afterschool Program
Study after study shows the improvement in children’s lives made by effective afterschool programs. In many communities, an afterschool program is the only chance for enrichment available. The value of providing homework assistance and opportunities to experience other activities cannot be overstated. A national evaluation found that 40 percent of students attending 21st Century Community Learning Center programs improved their reading and math grades