Using childcare management software comes with a range of advantages. Reducing operational costs, remotely managing programs, and enhancing communications with parents, staff, teachers, and students are some of its cornerstone amenities.
Cloud-Based Childcare Management Software: Is My Information Safe?
The presence and use of technology by children is an ongoing topic of concern. On one side is the insistence that any exposure to screens is inherently bad for children. On the other is the expectation of advanced education at a young age.
Technology is a tool. It is neither good nor bad; it's all in how you use it. Computers, smartphones, tablets, and TV have received their share of criticism, but there is no turning back the clock to a technology-free childhood.
Technology carries benefits and advantages. It can also be detrimental. Balance is the key.
How EZChildTrack Helped Brevard Public Schools Streamline Operations
Brevard County Public Schools in Florida faced the challenge of providing childcare before and after school for 55 elementary schools, operating summer camps for eight schools, and administering 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) programs for twelve different locations.
Using Technology for Early Childhood Education
There seems to be controversy surrounding the use of technology for early childhood education; however, as with anything, if you maintain a reasonable balance, technology is an effective tool for learning.
What Does Online Childcare Management Software Cost?
While price should not be your sole parameter for selecting a software solution, it is still a crucial piece of information. You need a solution that does everything you need, but it must also fit your budget.
10 Ways Childcare Management Software Can Improve Your After School Program
Welcome to a taste of our ebook “10 Ways Childcare Management Software Can Improve your After School Program.”
How Childcare Management Software Can Streamline Government Reporting
In 2013, approximately 13.4 million children were eligible for child care subsidies in an average month. The federal and state governments spent about $10 billion that year to subsidize care for low-income working families.
Questions To Ask During a Childcare Software Demo
In the process of selecting childcare management software for your after-school program, daycare business, or preschool, you may be offered a demo. Software demos are excellent tools for observing the various processes, getting a look at the screens, and receiving an overall impression of the software at work.
Using Cloud-Based Software to Comply With FERPA and COPPA
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is one of the strongest privacy protection laws in the United States. Educational records fall under the protection of FERPA, which defines educational records as any and all records a school or educational agency maintains about students.
One of the biggest misconceptions about online software is about security. A myth has been perpetuated that cloud-based software is not secure. Nothing could be further from the truth.