On March 26, 2020, we teamed up with the National Afterschool Association for a live webinar called “Ease Operational Headaches with EZChildTrack Afterschool Management Software."
We talked about using childcare management software to simplify and streamline program operations. The webinar focused on finding ways to help your program grow, empower your staff, and provide enrichment opportunities for every student.
We took questions from attendees and wanted to share them with you.
EZChildTrack Team
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More than Mozart, Little Einsteins, and Sesame Street, communicating effectively with parents has a positive impact on early childhood success. When you and a child’s Mom or Dad are on the same page, that child will continue learning at home what you taught at childcare. Mom and Dad trust that you have the best interests of their child at heart. And you have greater insight into each child.
How Afterschool Software Can Save You Time and Money
Afterschool programs provide a host of benefits to the school, the community, and most importantly, the students who attend. They provide a safe place for children with access to teachers, tutors, and enrichment programs. Parents have the peace-of-mind knowing their children are in good hands until they come home from work. Communities benefit from lower crime rates and a well-rounded, educated population.
Hassle-Free Tuition Collection for Your Childcare Center
Tuition payments are what make your childcare center go ‘round. But taking care of billing, invoicing, payment receipt and processing, plus keeping track of penalties can take a lot of time and effort.
There is no question that quality afterschool programs provide enormous benefits to the students and communities they serve. Any improvement increases those benefits in many ways. As the director of an afterschool program, you need cost-effective ways to advance learning, find funding, and promote your program to those in need.
Childcare management software supports all of your efforts, providing numerous applications that increase the afterschool program’s profile through daily operational benefits, data management, and reporting.