An effective schedule allows you to use all your resources to the fullest. Every classroom, teacher, and material is used to the highest potential for the benefit of the students while maintaining a cost-effective school.
Setting goals is a laudable and necessary exercise when implementing improvements in your educational system. However, many educators doubt the effectiveness or results of school improvement plans (SIPs).
School Budget Cuts: Ideas to Make More of Less
Year after year, administrators and teachers face the threat of budget cuts. Even when the state legislature increases the budget for education, growing student populations, rising costs, and aging structures combine to erase gains.
Managing a childcare facility compliantly requires vast amounts of records, including immunization records for every child in your care. Obtaining the records may be simple, but storing them and accessing them as needed creates a system requiring too much room and offering too little efficiency.
How School Districts Can Monitor Student Progress
School districts must monitor the progress of any school identified as needing "comprehensive support and improvement" or CSI, whether or not the school receives funds under Section 1003 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
Improving Dropoff and Pickup Procedures At Your Childcare Center
Efficiency and small children don't seem to go together. Still, you can reduce the chaos and move them along quicker with improved drop-off and pick-up procedures.
Key to Childcare Success: Making Parents Happy
If the parents are happy, your childcare business will succeed. It really is that simple. For a childcare business or program, there are many ways to delight parents as you engage, entertain, and educate their children.
Preschool is exciting but overwhelming for most children and probably for the teacher, too. Moving small children from one activity or room to another in any kind of organized fashion is like moving armies.
Tips for Managing Your Childcare Center's Budget
There is no successful business without a budget. A childcare business, in particular, has high costs due to licensing requirements, labor costs, and location-specific costs. Monitoring your income and spend lets you plan ahead and identify unnecessary expenses you can safely remove from your spending.
Preparing for Back to School With EZChildTrack
It's that most stressful time of year — back-to-school preparations are in high gear. Parents are making a last-minute search for preschools or other care situations. Teachers are already getting ready to welcome a new batch of students. There’s just so much going on!