Beyond price, what do parents look for in a childcare center? Sometimes it can seem rather capricious, but a variety of surveys have shined some light on common concerns and the impact of a variety of factors that drive the parents’ decision in a childcare center.
What Do Parents Look for in a Childcare Center?
There are a lot of moving parts to operating a childcare facility. Between selecting a location to start a facility to tracking meals and monitoring finances, you can feel pulled in a dozen directions at once.
Tracking Immunization Records at Your Childcare Center
Every bit as important as a child's address, phone number, and attendance history is his or her immunization record. Not only is storing up-to-date immunization records required by state law, but you also need a way to show prospective clients that you have the best interests of their children in mind.
What Does Cloud-Based Childcare Software Really Mean?
The term “cloud-based” software is ubiquitous these days, but it may not be clear what that means. The term is used interchangeably with SaaS (Software as a Service) and “web-based” software, which is a bit more self-explanatory.
Inspections are an important part of running a licensed daycare center. What an inspection seeks to do is determine whether the facility is meeting all the requirements for licensure. The list of requirements for childcare is lengthy with much of the focus on safety.
Why Do Parents Love Online Childcare Payments?
Online childcare payments provide benefits to both parents and your business, improving your relationships while saving everyone time and money. Perhaps you have already received requests for online payment from your clients, and you are in the process of determining the benefits and value to your childcare facility.
Creating an Emergency Plan at Your Childcare Center
Every childcare center should have an emergency plan to address and mitigate risks. Since childcare is regulated by the state, you should verify the requirements for your facility.
5 Tips to Improving After School Attendance Rates
After school programs provide a bridge between the school day and the time parents get off work. They can also give students a chance to experience new activities or be with friends in a safe space. However, maintaining attendance rates can be a challenge; by the time students reach middle school and high school, they are more independent and able to skip out on activities that are not part of the mandated school day.
One of the hardest parts of starting any business is setting your prices. Even if you have worked in childcare or enrolled your child in a childcare facility, the prices you remember may not be valid for your particular facility. There are several factors that go into calculating the right price as well as ways to get an idea what the market finds acceptable.
Reducing Late Payments with Childcare Management Software
Late tuition payments can cause your cash flow to stutter. They also take time to administer. You and your staff must take the time to ensure all payments have been made and remind parents who have not caught up on their bill.