One of the hardest parts of starting any business is setting your prices. Even if you have worked in childcare or enrolled your child in a childcare facility, the prices you remember may not be valid for your particular facility. There are several factors that go into calculating the right price as well as ways to get an idea what the market finds acceptable.
Jeffrey Thomas
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When you care for children, a safe environment is critical. No childcare professional wants to tell a parent a little one has been injured or become ill because of something at the facility. Improving safety in your daycare is an ongoing activity that reassures parents you are taking your responsibility seriously and is high on a family’s list of “must-haves” for an appropriate care situation.
How to Implement Change in Your After School Program
According to a report by the Afterschool Alliance, there were 10.2 million attending after school programs. Such programs have shown to result in significantly higher test scores, improved day school attendance, and reduce criminal activity within the community.
Improving Customer Satisfaction in Childcare: Keeping Parents Happy
Customer satisfaction is a powerful driver of customer retention and customer loyalty. For childcare businesses, measuring and improving customer satisfaction is a two-pronged activity – the children are the receivers of the service, but the parents have the determination of facility.
Reducing costs for your after school program may be necessary to stay afloat. The business expenses and costs of operating an after school program continue to rise as prices for supplies, equipment, and other necessities go up while wages remain stagnant.
Can Campground Management Software Increase Cash Flow?
Campground management software does more than handle your registration and scheduling. It also contains financial applications that can help you track accounts and manage your cash.
Before you can increase your cash flow, you need to monitor and measure all sources of income and expenses, so you have data to make an educated revenue projection for the future.
6 Common Problems When Managing a Day Care and How to Fix Them
It takes more than a love of children to run a day care center. It is a business in which you will likely manage employees, maintain a facility, and watch over daily operations.
Here are six areas where problems commonly appear in day care management and how to fix them.
Measuring Success and Improving Your After School Program
Quality improvement has been a watchword for most industries over the past 30 years. Today’s need to measure the success of and improve your after school program using data and evidenced-based improvements is an outgrowth of those programs, which have begun to mature.