After school programs are an essential element in childcare. They take over once a child reaches elementary school and can provide critical services and enrichment programs through high school.
Administering these programs can be a challenge. You may not see the same students every day, and since each one comes from a different background and varies in age, you must stay on your toes to continue your excellent care.
You really don't have much time to fool with administrative paperwork, much of it repetitive and time-consuming. The best solution is to automate your documentation and record processes, so you have more time to plan activities and take care of more important business.
When researching the best online, after school software for your program, ask yourself these questions.
Before you start your search, sit down and determine the problem you need to solve or the goals you want to achieve. Too often, software buyers simply begin searching the internet without any idea of what they need the software to do. It's easy to become overwhelmed by extensive feature sets but wouldn't you rather pay for the bells and whistles you need?
Think of your business problems and goals first. Then look for the software that can help you resolve issues and reach your goals.
You have a budget. Depending on how your facility is funded, it may be rather modest. You need to look for a solution that fits both your budget and your program. Identifying your business problems and goals helps you narrow your search and makes it possible to create a short list.
There are after school software solutions for every budget and price range. Don't shop only on price. Match your needs and determine the costs of any solutions that meet them. With diligence, you can find affordable software that contains the key features you need to operate your program without breaking the bank.
Beyond deciding how much you can pay, calculate how much money the right software will save. How much do you pay employees to perform various processes now and how much would you save by automating the processes?
Also, your vendor of choice may be able to offer discounts. It never hurts to ask.
Software adoption is another issue to consider. How comfortable are you and your staff with various types of software? Do you feel like everyone is pretty tech savvy or do you have teachers and administrators who are uncomfortable with computers?
Ease of use is directly related to adoption. Like any other tool, if you don’t use it, it’s a waste of money. Over the years, most software designers have learned to create solutions with intuitive user interfaces and easy to read screens.
As you shop around for your software, watch tutorials and online demos to get an idea of the features offered, how users navigate the screens and see how the features fit together. The easier the software is to learn, the higher and faster the adoption rate will be. Also, you will spend less time using software that reduces the number of keystrokes and screens required for each task.
How much customer or technical support will you and your employees require?
Part of customer support can include training. Depending on the size and complexity of the solution of your choice, you should ask if training time is included, how many hours come with your package, and whether there are other forms of training you can use.
When moving from one software solution to another, you should also ask about assistance with data transfer and integration if needed.
Software deployment includes installing software on your work computer or a private server, and web-based deployment such as Software as a Service (SaaS). Also known as cloud computing, web-based or online solutions are becoming ubiquitous and provide several benefits.
Cloud software vendors are aware that you will only remain with them as long as they keep your information safe and provide maximum uptime. If you are not in the habit of backing up your data and maintaining the backup off-site, a cloud solution will keep you from losing everything.
The features you need are the ones that resolve your business problems and help you achieve your goals. It’s different for every childcare business.
The question about features comes last because by now you know what problem you are solving, how much you have in your budget for a solution, and how the software is deployed. Take your software search one step at a time so you can purchase exactly what you need.